Backup Public Keys

To spend bitcoin, although only m seeds are required, you must also have all n public keys. For this reason, we recommend saving many “public key sets”, each one including all of the public keys involved in your quorum.

Your “public key sets” are sensitive in terms of privacy - anyone with access to a copy can view your balance and full transaction history - but do not pose a loss-of-funds risk on their own.

Save to USB Drive or DVD

Make many copies and store in many locations. We recommend you keep a copy of all public keys (and related metadata) with each seed.

Save on Your Computer

On Specter-Desktop, select your multisig wallet (e.g. Redundant Multisig) > Settings > Export > Save Backup PDF

Save Online

Save this data to various cloud providers (Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud) or backup services (Mozy, Carbonite, Backblaze, etc.) that you may already use. Keep in mind: as stated above, anyone with access to a cleartext (unencrypted) “public key set” (such as a snooping employee of a cloud provider) can view your balance and full transaction history.

Advanced Considerations

Comfortable with the concepts in this step?

Read the advanced considerations that can potentially improve your security here.

» Next Section: Send Bitcoin