Verify Receive Address

It is essential to be sure you control a bitcoin address before you use it to receive funds. Unfortunately, verifying multisig receive addresses is slightly more complicated than in single-key setups.

In order to securely receive funds, you must verify a given receive address on at least a quorum (m in m-of-n) of your trusted displays. In the default case, this means you would check on both your Keystone (formerly Cobo Vault) and your Coldcard. Unfortunately, this step can be inconvenient, as the two devices should be kept in different physical locations.

Once you have verified your address on a quorum of devices, it is safe to give that address out to a payee. Advanced users can mitigate some of these issues by following these steps.

Table of Contents

  1. Specter-Desktop Instructions
  2. Keystone Instructions
  3. Coldcard Instructions

Advanced Considerations

Comfortable with the concepts in this step?

Read the advanced considerations that can potentially improve your security here.

ยป Next Section: Backup Wallet